"10 Years State Treaty of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg with the Islamic Associations - What Next?"

On Tuesday evening, June 21, 2022, our kick-off event on the topic "10 years of the State Treaty of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg with the Islamic associations - what next?" took place in the Tchaikovsky Hall. More than 120 people showed up to discuss the state treaty of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, which has been in place for 10 years, with secular Muslims and politicians from all parties. Through the two speeches and the subsequent panel discussions, the dissatisfaction of the citizens with this treaty came out clearly. Especially strong is the demand to the politicians not to sit down at the table with anti-democratic, radical associations and conclude contracts. The great interest in exchanging views on this topic was made clear by the large number of participants and members of the press. Among others, the Mopo, the NDR and the Welt reported on the event. We reject the contract, which is conducted with associations from abroad, and demand that those with secular Muslims are more involved. Our goal is to participate in the negotiations on the treaty.

Dr. Necla Kelek, sociologist, publicist and chairwoman of "Verein Säkularer Islam Hamburg e.V." will speak. As a second speaker Ali Toprak, federal spokesman of the "Initiative Secular Islam & Federal Working Group of Immigrant Associations in Germany (BAGIV) gives a speech.