February, 2019
"USA beh Farsi" reports:
Within the context of the Munich Security Conference, February 2019, our IWP chairwoman Hourvash Pourkian was invited to the roundtable joined by Brian Hook, former US Special Representative for Iran .
Hamburg Journal
200,000 people at the CSD in Hamburg!
The Hamburg-Journal reports from CSD Hamburg and makes explicit reference to our call for more rights and protection of homosexuals in Iran.
Saturday August 03, 2019
Migrant Women March: No culture with violence
Susanne Baumstark reports on the Migrant Women March 2019 in Hamburg.
Monday March 11, 2019
Hamburger Abendblatt
Migrants want to demonstrate under the motto "equal, self-determined, free"
Wednesday March 06, 2019
Hamburger Morgenpost
Hamburg-based Iranian reports:
"With a red dress in the park? The guards of virtue came immediately."
taz on the weekend
International Women's Day theme
"Religion is something private"
Hourvash Pourkian initiates a protest march on Women's Day. She talks about the dispute when a number of groups distanced themselves from their demo in 2017 - and about new demands.
Friday March01, 2019
Blog luftwurzel.net
Migrant women: "Rejection of violence"
A very detailed article by Susanne Baumstark about the press conference on the Migrant Women March 2019 on March 1st, 2019.
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